ons. 09. feb.
The new generation of street gangs - Aarhus Nordic Week 2022
NOOOOOOOOOORDIIIIIISKEEEEE GÆÆÆÆÆÆSTEEER!! Nordic Week in Aarhus is BACK! Read more about how you can participate in the Nordic week, regardless if you live in Aarhus or the North.
Tid & sted
09. feb. 2022, 12.00 – 13. feb. 2022, 15.00
Aarhus, Nordre Ringgade 1, 8000 Aarhus C, Danmark
Om eventet
(Information til medlemmer af Juridisk Selskab, Aarhus, findes nederst)
NOOOOOOOOOORDIIIIIISKEEEEE GÆÆÆÆÆÆSTEEER!! I have waited 2!! years, but now the time has come to invite you to the Aarhus Nordic Week 2022 and welcome you all in “Smilets By”.
In the last couple of years gang violence has played an increasing role in many Nordic cities. The mainfocus during the week is going to be the Supreme Court case over the ban on "Loyal to Familia". But of course you can not talk about Danish gangs without also looking at gangs in the rest of the north.
The question "What can we do about rising gang crime?" will be focused on, and tried to be answered through several presentations by different legal entities. Here we will, among other things, get into deportation, dissolution of the gang, fines, imprisonment, etc.
*changes to the program may occur*
For the early birds there will be a pre-party at Den Gyldne Kro by our beautiful “Åen” Tuesday evening.
The official kick off starts Wednesday, where we’ll all meet up @University, get our nametags and luxurious goodiebags and then walk together to Interlex Advokater.
We will be welcomed by partner and honorary member of Juridisk Selskab, Jesper Hedegaard, who will make sure our week will be kicked off properly.
After this we will hop on the bus to HYTTE!! To get you into the "Århus- spirit" our Kapsejladsansvarlig, Anders, will teach you how to drink beer properly and spin. At 18:00 hyttesittning will begin and the theme is 2000s fashion. So pack you best Juicy couture, get a tramp stamp, a matching Demin outfit with your best friend and come to hytte
On Thursday you’ll wake up to the beautiful tunes of “Hvorfor har du bukser på?” and breakfast will be served. Even though dancing is fun make sure you also get some sleep, because after the breakfast the bus will take us back to the university and after this there is a small mellandöd.
At 14.00 we will meet up at the university where we will have a lecture by Caroline Sophia Tarrow. Who works as a prosecutor at the Attorney General and will talk about the "Loyal to familia" case and how the state, despite the constitution, could ban the gang.
In the evening we will meet up at Kromann Reumert, where we will have another lecture. The lecture is about Criminal law in business relations. After this we will go over to a cozy surprise.
After a good nights sleep we will starts friday with a funny sporty surprise! After this there will be a mellanøl until 15:00 where we will meet up at the University again. Mikkel from the Institute for Human Rights will tell us a little about deportation of gang members.
After a very small mellanøl its time for NORDIC SITTING! The dresscode for the Sittning is smart casual. Once again the sittning will be held right before Juridisk Selskab’s own semester starts party @University, and we hope you’ll all stay at the party after the Sittning to show all the Danish law students in Aarhus how the Nordic Guests party. You’ll of course be provided with a very nice dinner and great drinks during the Sittning, but when the Sittning’s over, and the party continues, you’ll have to pay for your own drinks. Make sure to bring some cash! When the party’s over @University, we’ll continue our afterparty @Kupé.
Saturday! Sleep in and make sure you get some rest, because it’s ÅRSFEST DAY! We’ll have separated pre-parties, why the guys meet up @Barber Lounge, and the ladies meet up @Zenza. There will be some light tapas and drinks, but make sure to eat a nice breakfast from home.
After the pre-parties we’ll all meet up @Holst Advokater, where partner and former board member of Juridisk Selskab, Svend Bjerregaard, once again will welcome us all to the official medalceremony (in Danish, so keep up!) Here we’ll get some nice bliiiiing and drinks. Now it’s time for the most spectacular and wonderful Årsfest you’ve ever seen. If you’ve never been to an Aarhus Nordic Week before, you’re in for a treat. @MALT we’ll be welcomed with some bubbles, before we enjoy our 3-course dinner and free wine and beer for 4 hours(!!!).
PÄÄPÄIVÄ!!!! It’s Sunday and therefore time for SILLIIIIIIS. We’ll all meet up and try to survive our hangovers together by having some more delicious drinks and food (we promise, there will not only be toast this year) and at 12:30 it’s time for Bubblis. I’ll not be sure what’s happening after this, but hopefully I’ll be able to give you all a hug and say: BYE BYE DOESN’T MEAN FOREVER!
Vi ses i Norden!
The price for the whole week will be 200 EUR and for Helgen 180 EUR. Each association gets 3 spots, including 1 free spot. Extra spots will be handed out after the sign up. Please sign up with your local int.sek. no later than the 23th of January 2022. Please include your full name, allergies and/or special diets, phone number estimated time of arrival/departure in the sign up.
With all my Nordic love, Helena Brinck International Secretary of Juridisk Selskab, Aarhus post@juridisk-selskab.dk + 45 29 88 09 65
ER DU INTERESSERET I AT DELTAGE I ÅRETS NORDISKE UGE? Vi mangler både hjælpere og værter.
Det er en forudsætning for at deltage, at man er medlem af JUS. Som vært skal du huse én eller flere af de nordiske gæster - alt efter hvad du har plads til. Der kræves ikke andet end en seng/sofa/luftmadras, etc., men det vil være meget prisværdigt, at der stilles lidt morgenmad til rådighed de fleste dage. Som tak har du mulighed for at komme med til alle arrangementer, samt har forrang til at deltage i vores spændende oplæg.
Som en ekstra ting i år, så giver vi årsfest billetter til dem der både er vært og hjælper.
Som hjælper behøver du ikke nødvendigvis at have en nordisk gæst boende, men skal til gengæld hjælpe til i 2-4 timer hver dag. Det kan fx være madlavning og oprydning i hytten eller til nordisk sittning, klargøring af lokale til oplæg, osv. Som hjælper må du selvfølgelig også komme med til alle arrangementer. Der gøres blot opmærksom på, at man kan være forhindret i at komme med til visse oplæg grundet klargøring.
Som vært eller hjælper deltager du gratis i hele ugen. Alle værter og hjælpere får goodiebags, nametag og medalje.
Hvis det kunne have interesse, så kontakt Int.Sek. Helena Brinck enten her på facebook, på telefonnummer 29880965 eller på mail post@juridisk-selskab.dk. Eller Vice. Int.Sek Helena Emilie Hansen